A function for trait filling using a hierarchical sampling design, which allows to account for incomplete trait collections, traits from different spatial or temporal levels (i.e. local traits vs. databases) and experimental designs.

  scale_hierarchy = c("Country", "Site", "BlockID", "PlotID"),
  global = TRUE,
  taxon_col = "taxon",
  trait_col = "trait",
  value_col = "Value",
  abundance_col = "Cover",
  treatment_col = NULL,
  treatment_level = NULL,
  other_col = character(0),
  keep_all = FALSE,
  min_n_in_sample = 5,
  complete_only = FALSE,



a dataframe in long format with community data


a dataframe in long format with trait data


character vector of the sampling hierarchy from large to small (e.g. site/block/plot)


logical; calculate traits at global scale. Must not be a column called global in the traits data.


character; name of taxon column in comm and traits. Can be a vector (e.g. "species", "genus"), in which case if traits cannot be filled for the first taxon column, subsequent columns will be used in order.


character; name of trait name column in traits


character; name of trait value column in traits


character; name of species abundance column in comm


character; optional name of treatment_col in comm and traits. Must refer to a factor where first level is control.


character; optional name of scale_hierarchy at which treatment should be filtered


name of other grouping columns in comm


logical; keep trait data at all available levels or just finest scale available


numeric; minimum number in sample with traits to accept before searching for traits higher up the hierarchy. The default is 5.


logical; use only leaves with a full set of traits. Set to TRUE when imputing for trait_multivariate_bootstrap


character; unique leaf identifiers. Only needed when complete_only is TRUE.


a tibble with extra class filled_trait.


The function uses a hierarchical sampling design, which allows it to account for incomplete trait collections, traits from different spatial or temporal levels (i.e. local traits vs. databases) and/or experimental designs.

With scale_hierarchy you can define the levels at which the traits have been collected and their order starting with the highest level (e.g. global database, region, site, block, plot).

trait_fill() will choose if available a trait value from the lowest level, i.e. species X from plot A and if no trait is available from that level, it will move up the hierarchy and choose a trait from species X from plot B at the same site. If there is no trait available from species X in the same site, it will choose a trait value from another site.

The argument min_n_in_samples allows users to define the minimum number in sample at each level for the trait filling. If the minimum number is not reached, trait values from the next level will also be selected, to avoid sampling the same individual several times, which will result in unrealistic variances. The default value is 5.

In the other_col argument other grouping variables in the community dataset can be defined and will be kept after the trait filling step.

Traitstrap also allows to include taxonomy and experimental design in the trait filling step.

With taxon_col a hierarchy for the taxonomy can be defined. If traits for a specific species are not available, traits from next level, e.g. the genus will be selected. For this a list of the taxonomic hierarchy has to be defined (e.g. "taxon", "genus", "family").

The argument treatment_col allows to incorporate an experimental design where traits are selected from the same experimental treatment or the first factor level, which is assumed to be the control. Therefore, it is important to order the levels of a treatment in the right order, i.e. the first level has to be the control. If you have two or more treatments and you want filling to be done only within a treatment, and not from a treatment and the control, then make the first level of the factor a level that is not in the data. The filling step can be defined at certain level using the treatment_level argument. Depending on the experimental design trait filling should occur a certain level, e.g. block or site.


filled_traits <- trait_fill(
  comm = community, traits = trait,
  scale_hierarchy = c("Site", "PlotID"),
  taxon_col = "Taxon", value_col = "Value",
  trait_col = "Trait", abundance_col = "Cover"