Function gives overview of which taxa are missing traits.

trait_missing(filled_trait, comm)



output of trait_fill function.


community data


A tibble with columns #'

  • Taxon Species names (actual name depends on taxon_col argument to trait_fill())

  • max_abun Maximum abundance of that taxa. Be more concerned about taxa missing traits with high abundances.

  • n Number of occurrences of the taxon. Be more concerned about taxa missing traits with many occurrences.

  • n_traits Number of traits for each species. Ideally all should equal the number of traits you have measured.


filled_traits <- trait_fill(
  comm = community, traits = trait,
  scale_hierarchy = c("Site", "PlotID"),
  taxon_col = "Taxon", value_col = "Value",
  trait_col = "Trait", abundance_col = "Cover"
trait_missing(filled_traits, community)
#> # A tibble: 20 × 4
#> # Groups:   Taxon, max_abun [20]
#>    Taxon                   max_abun     n n_traits
#>    <chr>                      <dbl> <int>    <int>
#>  1 alopecurus ovatus            2       5        3
#>  2 bistorta vivipara           25      14        3
#>  3 calamagrostis neglecta      60       4        3
#>  4 cassiope tetragona           5       3        3
#>  5 dryas octopetala            20       9        3
#>  6 equisetum scirpoides         2       6        3
#>  7 festuca rubra                1       7        3
#>  8 juncus biglumis              0.5     2        0
#>  9 luzula confusa               5      10        3
#> 10 luzula nivalis               5       8        3
#> 11 micranthes hieracifolia      0.5     2        0
#> 12 oxyria digyna                2       5        3
#> 13 poa pratensis                1       6        3
#> 14 salix polaris               43      14        3
#> 15 saxifraga hirculus           2       3        3
#> 16 saxifraga oppositifolia      2       1        3
#> 17 silene acaulis               1       1        3
#> 18 stellaria humifusa           0.5     1        0
#> 19 stellaria longipes           0.1     4        0
#> 20 trisetum spicatum            3       5        3