Summarizes the mean and confidence interval for each trait moment.

  parametric = TRUE,
  sd_mult = 1,
  ci = 0.95



trait moments from trait_np_bootstrap or trait_parametric_bootstrap


logical; default is TRUE. Should Confidence Intervals be calculated parametrically (using the mean and SD) or nonparametrically (using quantiles).


Number of standard deviations around each moment, defaults to one


Desired confidence level for use when parametric is false. Defaults to 0.95.


tibble with the grouping variables and the mean of each moment (+/- sd_mult * SD)



# Filter community data to make example faster
community <- community |>
  filter(PlotID %in% c("A", "B"))

filled_traits <- trait_fill(
  comm = community,
  traits = trait,
  scale_hierarchy = c("Site", "PlotID"),
  taxon_col = "Taxon", value_col = "Value",
  trait_col = "Trait", abundance_col = "Cover"

# Note that more replicates and a greater sample size are advisable
# Here we set them low to make the example run quickly
boot_traits <- trait_np_bootstrap(filled_traits,
  nrep = 20,
  sample_size = 100

#> # A tibble: 12 × 17
#> # Groups:   global, Site, PlotID [4]
#>    global Site  PlotID Trait           n   mean ci_low_mean ci_high_mean     var
#>    <chr>  <chr> <chr>  <chr>       <int>  <dbl>       <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 global 1     A      Leaf_Thick…    20 0.217       0.211        0.222  3.67e-3
#>  2 global 1     A      Plant_Heig…    20 1.65        1.38         1.93   3.88e+0
#>  3 global 1     A      Wet_Mass_g     20 0.0106      0.0100       0.0113 4.87e-5
#>  4 global 1     B      Leaf_Thick…    20 0.204       0.199        0.209  1.70e-3
#>  5 global 1     B      Plant_Heig…    20 1.62        1.38         1.85   3.23e+0
#>  6 global 1     B      Wet_Mass_g     20 0.0122      0.0115       0.0128 4.42e-5
#>  7 global 2     A      Leaf_Thick…    20 0.212       0.206        0.218  4.16e-3
#>  8 global 2     A      Plant_Heig…    20 1.81        1.65         1.96   2.75e+0
#>  9 global 2     A      Wet_Mass_g     20 0.0257      0.0237       0.0276 2.97e-4
#> 10 global 2     B      Leaf_Thick…    20 0.196       0.190        0.201  2.91e-3
#> 11 global 2     B      Plant_Heig…    20 2.75        2.55         2.95   6.49e+0
#> 12 global 2     B      Wet_Mass_g     20 0.0209      0.0195       0.0223 2.17e-4
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: ci_low_var <dbl>, ci_high_var <dbl>, skew <dbl>,
#> #   ci_low_skew <dbl>, ci_high_skew <dbl>, kurt <dbl>, ci_low_kurt <dbl>,
#> #   ci_high_kurt <dbl>