Providing functions to read data files directly from loggers or
instruments would be an endless tasks, as there are countless varieties
of formats. Additionally, such a function already exists:
(Wickham et
al. (2024)).
We provide here some guidelines and examples on how to use
to prepare your raw data files for
Checklists for inputs
The first function to use when processing ecosystem gas fluxes data
with fluxible
is flux_match
, which require two
inputs: row_conc
and field_record
Input raw_conc
The input raw_conc
is the file with the gas
concentration measured over time, typically the file exported by the
logger or instrument.
- Column that will be used in
do not contain space or special characters; - A gas concentration column as numeric;
- A column in datetime format (
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
) corresponding to each concentration data points.
Input field_record
The input field_record
is the file that is telling which
sample or plot was measured when, and eventually providing other meta
data, such as campaign, site, type of measurement and so on.
- Column that will be used in
do not contain space or special characters; - A column indicating the start of each measurement in datetime format
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Note that the current version of flux_match
does not
support non fixed measurement length, indicating an end column instead
of the measurement_length
argument. But it is possible to
mimic flux_match
and directly start with
(see below).
By-passing flux_match
The flux_match
function only intends to attribute a
unique flux_id
to each measurement. Depending on your
setup, this step might not be necessary. The flux_fitting
function is the step after flux_match
and its input should
check the following points:
- Column that will be used in
do not contain space or special characters; - A gas concentration column as numeric;
- A column in datetime format (
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
) corresponding to each concentration data points; - A column with a unique ID for each measurements;
- A column indicating the start of each measurement in datetime format
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
); - A column indicating the end of each measurement in datetime format
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Importing a single file
In this example we will import the file 26124054001.#00
which is a text file extracted from a logger with the ad-hoc licensed
software. The first thing to do when importing a file with
is to open the file in a text editor to look at
its structure.

in a text editor. We can see that the 25th
first rows should not be imported, and that it is comma separated with a
dot as a decimal point.
We will read the file with read_delim
, and then use
and mutate
(from the dplyr
package 1
(Wickham et al., 2023)) to
transform the columns into what we want, and dmy
from the lubridate
package Grolemund and Wickham (2011) to get our datetime
column in the right format:
# readr is part of tidyverse, and since we will also use dplyr
# we might as well load tidyverse
raw_conc <- read_delim(
delim = ",", # our file is comma separated
skip = 25 # the first 25 rows are logger infos that we do not want to keep
# let's see
#> # A tibble: 6 × 7
#> Date Time Type `CO2 (V)` `H2O (V)` `CO2_calc (ppm)` `H2O_calc (ppt)`
#> <chr> <time> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 26.06.20… 12:40:56 Inte… 2.08 0.0004 416. 0.007
#> 2 26.06.20… 12:40:57 Inte… 2.09 0.0004 418. 0.008
#> 3 26.06.20… 12:40:58 Inte… 2.08 0.0004 416. 0.007
#> 4 26.06.20… 12:40:59 Inte… 2.08 0.0004 416. 0.008
#> 5 26.06.20… 12:41:00 Inte… 2.06 0.0004 412. 0.008
#> 6 26.06.20… 12:41:01 Inte… 2.08 0.0004 416. 0.007
Not too bad… but we are not quite there yet:
- Some column names contain space;
- Some columns are not needed, removing them will make things lighter
for later:
(nothing to do with the type of measurement, something from the logger),CO2 (V)
,H2O (V)
(those two are the voltage input to the logger, not what we want), andH2O_calc (ppt)
(that one was not calibrated for this campaign so better remove it to avoid confusion); - The
columns should be gathered in one and transformed inyyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
library(lubridate) # lubridate is what you want to deal with datetime issues
raw_conc <- raw_conc |>
co2_conc = "CO2_calc (ppm)"
) |>
Date = dmy(Date), # to transform the date as a yyyy-mm-dd format
datetime = paste(Date, Time), # we paste date and time together
datetime = as_datetime(datetime) # datetime instead of character
) |>
select(datetime, co2_conc)
head(raw_conc) # Et voila!
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#> datetime co2_conc
#> <dttm> <dbl>
#> 1 2020-06-26 12:40:56 416.
#> 2 2020-06-26 12:40:57 418.
#> 3 2020-06-26 12:40:58 416.
#> 4 2020-06-26 12:40:59 416.
#> 5 2020-06-26 12:41:00 412.
#> 6 2020-06-26 12:41:01 416.
Note that it is also possible to use the col_names
arguments directly in read_delim
but it has a higher risk of errors.
raw_conc <- read_delim(
delim = ",", # our file is comma separated
skip = 26, # removing the first 25th row and the header
col_select = c(1, 2, 6),
col_names = c("date", "time", rep(NA, 3), "co2_conc", NA)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#> date time co2_conc
#> <chr> <time> <dbl>
#> 1 26.06.2020 12:40:56 416.
#> 2 26.06.2020 12:40:57 418.
#> 3 26.06.2020 12:40:58 416.
#> 4 26.06.2020 12:40:59 416.
#> 5 26.06.2020 12:41:00 412.
#> 6 26.06.2020 12:41:01 416.
Importing multiple files
Quite often a field campaign will result in several files, because the logger was restarted or other events. In this example we will read all the files in “ex_data/” that contains “CO2” in their names.
raw_conc <- dir_ls( #listing all the files
"ex_data", # at location "ex_data"
regexp = "*CO2*" # that contains "CO2" in their name
) |>
read_csv, # we map read_csv on all the files
na = c("#N/A", "Over") # "#N/A" and Over should be treated as NA
) |>
conc = "CO2 (ppm)",
datetime = "Date/Time"
) |>
datetime = dmy_hms(datetime)
) |>
select(datetime, conc)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#> datetime conc
#> <dttm> <dbl>
#> 1 2021-06-04 16:12:42 480.
#> 2 2021-06-04 16:12:43 481.
#> 3 2021-06-04 16:12:44 480.
#> 4 2021-06-04 16:12:45 480.
#> 5 2021-06-04 16:12:46 480.
#> 6 2021-06-04 16:12:47 479.
The one file per flux approach
The Fluxible R package is designed to process data that were measured
continuously (in a single or several files) and a
that records what was measured when. Another
strategy while measuring gas fluxes on the field is to create a new file
for each measurement, with the file name as the flux ID. The approach is
similar to reading multiple files, except we add a column with the file
name, and then can by-pass flux_match
raw_conc <- dir_ls( #listing all the files
"ex_data/field_campaign" # at location "ex_data/field_campaign"
) |>
map_dfr( # we map read_tsv on all the files
read_tsv, # read_tsv is for tab separated value files
skip = 3,
id = "filename" # column with the filename, that we can use as flux ID
) |>
rename( # a bit of renaming to make the columns more practical
co2_conc = "CO2 (umol/mol)",
h2o_conc = "H2O (mmol/mol)",
air_temp = "Temperature (C)",
pressure = "Pressure (kPa)"
) |>
datetime = paste(Date, Time),
datetime = as.POSIXct(
datetime, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS"
), # we get rid of the milliseconds
pressure = pressure / 101.325, # conversion from kPa to atm
filename = substr(filename, 24, 70) # removing folder names
) |>
select(datetime, co2_conc, h2o_conc, air_temp, pressure, filename)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#> datetime co2_conc h2o_conc air_temp pressure filename
#> <dttm> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 2023-12-14 10:57:01 416. 22.7 22.4 0.790 1_2000_east_1_day_a-2…
#> 2 2023-12-14 10:57:02 407. 22.5 22.4 0.791 1_2000_east_1_day_a-2…
#> 3 2023-12-14 10:57:03 404. 23.0 22.4 0.790 1_2000_east_1_day_a-2…
#> 4 2023-12-14 10:57:04 421. 22.6 22.3 0.790 1_2000_east_1_day_a-2…
#> 5 2023-12-14 10:57:05 411. 22.8 22.3 0.791 1_2000_east_1_day_a-2…
#> 6 2023-12-14 10:57:06 401. 23.0 22.3 0.790 1_2000_east_1_day_a-2…
The tricky one
What happens when you extract a logger file in csv using a computer with settings using comma as a decimal point (which is quite standard in Europe)? Well, you get a comma separated values (csv) file, with decimals separated by… comma.
Ideally the file should have been extracted in European csv, that is with comma for decimals and semi-colon as column separator. But here we are.

opened in a text editor. We can see that it
is comma separated, but that the decimal point is also a comma.
Additionally, we see that some variables were measured only every 10
seconds, meaning that each row has a different number of commas…
Let’s try the usual way first:
raw_conc <- read_csv( # read_csv is the same as read_delim(delim = ",")
col_types = "Tcdddddd",
na = "#N/A" # we tell read_csv what NA look like in that file
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#> `Date/Time` Type `CO2_input (V)` `PAR_input (mV)` `Temp_air ('C)`
#> <dttm> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 NA Interval 2 28 0
#> 2 NA Interval 2 28 NA
#> 3 NA Interval 2 28 NA
#> 4 NA Interval 2 35 NA
#> 5 NA Interval 2 31 NA
#> 6 NA Interval 2 23 NA
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: `Temp_soil ('C)` <dbl>, `CO2 (ppm)` <dbl>,
#> # `PAR (umolsm2)` <dbl>
It took the column names right, but then of course interpreted all comma as separators, and made a mess. Let’s see if we can skipped the header and then assemble the columns with left and right side of the decimal point:
raw_conc <- read_csv(
skip = 1, # this time we skip the row with the column names
col_names = FALSE, # and we tell read_csv that we do not provide column names
na = "#N/A" # we tell read_csv what NA look like in that file
#> # A tibble: 6 × 14
#> X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13
#> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 01.10… Inte… 2 0028 0 0806… 12 00 10 81 400 "55" 20
#> 2 01.10… Inte… 2 0028 NA NA NA 400 56 NA NA "" NA
#> 3 01.10… Inte… 2 0028 NA NA NA 400 55 NA NA "" NA
#> 4 01.10… Inte… 2 0035 NA NA NA 400 70 NA NA "" NA
#> 5 01.10… Inte… 2 0031 NA NA NA 400 61 NA NA "" NA
#> 6 01.10… Inte… 2 0023 NA NA NA 400 45 NA NA "" NA
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: X14 <chr>
The problem now is that CO2 concentration was measured every second (with a comma!), while other variable were measured every 10 seconds. That means every 10th row has 14 comma separated elements, while the others have only 10. Uhhhhhhhhh
At this point, you might want to get the field computer out again and reprocess your raw file with a european csv output, or anything that is not comma separated, or set the decimal point as a… point. But for the sake of it, let’s pretend that it is not an option and solve that issue in R:
# we read each row of our file as an element of a list
list <- readLines("ex_data/011023001.#01")
list <- list[-1] # removing the first element with the column names
# we first deal with the elements where we have those environmental data
# that were measured every 10 seconds
listenv <- list[seq(1, length(list), 10)]
env_df <- read.csv(
textConnection(listenv), # we read the list into a csv
header = FALSE, # there is no header
colClasses = rep("character", 14)
# specifying that those columns are character is important
# if read as integer, 06 becomes 6, and when putting columns together,
# 400.06 will be read as 400.6, which is wrong
env_df <- env_df |>
datetime = dmy_hms(V1),
temp_air = paste(
V7, # V7 contains the left side of the decimal point
V8, # V8 the right side
sep = "." # this time we put it in american format
temp_air = as.double(temp_air), # now we can make it a double
temp_soil = as.double(paste(V9, V10, sep = ".")),
co2_conc = as.double(paste(V11, V12, sep = ".")),
PAR = as.double(paste(V13, V14, sep = "."))
) |>
select(datetime, temp_air, temp_soil, co2_conc, PAR)
# now we do the same with the other elements of the list
list_other <- list[-seq(1, length(list), 10)]
other_df <- read.csv(
header = FALSE,
colClasses = rep("character", 10)
other_df <- other_df |>
datetime = dmy_hms(V1),
co2_conc = as.double(paste(V8, V9, sep = "."))
) |>
select(datetime, co2_conc)
# and finally we do a full join with both
conc_df <- full_join(env_df, other_df, by = c("datetime", "co2_conc")) |>
arrange(datetime) # I like my dataframes in chronological order
#> datetime temp_air temp_soil co2_conc PAR
#> 1 2023-10-01 11:23:40 12 10.81 400.55 20.6
#> 2 2023-10-01 11:23:41 NA NA 400.56 NA
#> 3 2023-10-01 11:23:42 NA NA 400.55 NA
#> 4 2023-10-01 11:23:43 NA NA 400.70 NA
#> 5 2023-10-01 11:23:44 NA NA 400.61 NA
#> 6 2023-10-01 11:23:45 NA NA 400.45 NA
That was a strange mix of tidyverse and base R, and I would definitely try to do some plots to check if the data are making sense (number around 420 are most likely CO2 concentration, those between 5 and 20 probably temperature, and soil temperature should be lower than air temperature). But it worked…