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fluxible 1.0.2

  • flux_gep: fluxes presents in the dataset that are neither NEE nor ER (soilR, LRC or other) are not lost anymore.

fluxible 1.0.1

  • flux_quality: added force_zero argument to force a flux to be replaced by zero.

fluxible 0.1.3

  • Error corrected in flux_gep: the columns in the cols_keep argument are filled for GEP flux with values from NEE flux, and NA if missing, but not values from ER fluxes.

fluxible 0.1.2

  • flux_gep allows to keep all columns without naming them.
  • Order of columns in the output of flux_match is more logical (f_start before f_end…).

fluxible 0.1.1

fluxible 0.1.0

  • Added a vignette describing how to prepare the data for fluxible.
  • flux_plot now adds a vertical line showing where t_zero is.
  • ‘flux_plot’: scale_x_datetime arguments are now past as a list.
  • Functions now recycle user’s column names instead of renaming them. Columns created by fluxible functions have the suffix ‘f_’.

fluxible 0.0.6

  • Correction in flux_quality: ‘zero’ and ‘discard’ flags were inverted when using the linear fit.

fluxible 0.0.5

  • flux_plot: fixed the blurriness of quality flags.

fluxible 0.0.4

  • flux_gep function to calculate GEP.

fluxible 0.0.3

  • All plots are colored the same (colors code for raw concentration data points and fit and slope in black).
  • Legend for line types in plots.
  • Plot subtitles indicating the fit type.

fluxible 0.0.2

  • flux_calc allows to choose units.
  • flux_calc alows plot area as a variable.
  • flux_fitting with exponential model works when concentration data are missing in the middle of the measurement.