quality assessment for the slopes estimated by flux_fitting
indicates if fluxes should be discarded or replaced by 0 according to parameters set by user. flux_quality_lm is for the model of the lm family. flux_quality_exp is for the exponential model.
- slopes_df
dataset containing slopes, fluxID, and parameters of the exponential expression
- force_discard
vector of fluxIDs that should be discarded by the user's decision
- force_ok
vector of fluxIDs for which the user wants to keep the calculated slope despite a bad quality flag
- b_col
column containing the b parameter of the exponential expression
- rmse_threshold
threshold for the RMSE of each flux above which the fit is considered unsatisfactory
- cor_threshold
threshold for the correlation coefficient of gas concentration with time below which the correlation is considered non significant
- b_threshold
threshold for the b parameter. Defines a window with its opposite inside which the fit is considered good enough.