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indicates if slopes should be discarded or replaced by 0 according to quality thresholds set by user


  f_fluxid = f_fluxid,
  f_slope = f_slope,
  f_time = f_time,
  f_start = f_start,
  f_end = f_end,
  f_fit = f_fit,
  f_cut = f_cut,
  f_pvalue = f_pvalue,
  f_rsquared = f_rsquared,
  f_b = f_b,
  force_discard = c(),
  force_ok = c(),
  force_zero = c(),
  ratio_threshold = 0,
  fit_type = c(),
  ambient_conc = 421,
  error = 100,
  pvalue_threshold = 0.3,
  rsquared_threshold = 0.7,
  rmse_threshold = 25,
  cor_threshold = 0.5,
  b_threshold = 1,
  cut_arg = "cut"



dataset containing slopes


column containing the measured gas concentration (exponential fit)


column containing unique IDs for each flux


column containing the slope of each flux (as calculated by the flux_fitting function)


column containing the time of each measurement in seconds (exponential fit)


column with datetime of the start of the measurement (after cuts)


column with datetime of the end of the measurement (after cuts)


column containing the modeled data (exponential fit)


column containing the cutting information


column containing the p-value of each flux (linear and quadratic fit)


column containing the r squared of each flux (linear and quadratic fit)


column containing the b parameter of the exponential expression (exponential fit)


vector of fluxIDs that should be discarded by the user's decision


vector of fluxIDs for which the user wants to keep the calculated slope despite a bad quality flag


vector of fluxIDs that should be replaced by zero by the user's decision


ratio of gas concentration data points over length of measurement (in seconds) below which the measurement will be considered as not having enough data points to be considered for calculations


model fitted to the data, linear, quadratic or exponential. Will be automatically filled if slopes_df was produced using flux_fitting()


ambient gas concentration in ppm at the site of measurement (used to detect measurement that started with a polluted setup)


error of the setup, defines a window outside of which the starting values indicate a polluted setup


threshold of p-value below which the change of gas concentration over time is considered not significant (linear and quadratic fit)


threshold of r squared value below which the linear model is considered an unsatisfactory fit (linear and quadratic fit)


threshold for the RMSE of each flux above which the fit is considered unsatisfactory (exponential fit)


threshold for the correlation coefficient of gas concentration with time below which the correlation is considered not significant (exponential fit)


threshold for the b parameter. Defines a window with its opposite inside which the fit is considered good enough (exponential fit)


argument defining that the data point should be cut out


a dataframe with added columns of quality flags (f_quality_flag), the slope corrected according to the quality flags (f_slope_corr), some diagnostics depending on the fit, and any columns present in the input.


flux_quality(slopes0lin, conc, fit_type = "li")
#>  Total number of measurements: 6
#>  discard 	 5 	 83 %
#>  ok 	 1 	 17 %
#>  zero 	 0 	 0 %
#>  force_discard 	 0 	 0 %
#>  start_error 	 0 	 0 %
#>  no_data 	 0 	 0 %
#>  force_ok 	 0 	 0 %
#>  force_zero 	 0 	 0 %
#> # A tibble: 1,251 × 22
#>    datetime            temp_air temp_soil  conc   PAR turfID       type 
#>    <dttm>                 <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>        <fct>
#>  1 2022-07-28 23:43:35    NA         NA    447. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  2 2022-07-28 23:43:36     7.22      10.9  447.  1.68 156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  3 2022-07-28 23:43:37    NA         NA    448. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  4 2022-07-28 23:43:38    NA         NA    449. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  5 2022-07-28 23:43:39    NA         NA    449. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  6 2022-07-28 23:43:40    NA         NA    450. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  7 2022-07-28 23:43:41    NA         NA    451. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  8 2022-07-28 23:43:42    NA         NA    451. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  9 2022-07-28 23:43:43    NA         NA    453. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#> 10 2022-07-28 23:43:44    NA         NA    453. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#> # ℹ 1,241 more rows
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: f_start <dttm>, f_end <dttm>, f_fluxid <fct>,
#> #   f_flag_match <chr>, f_time <dbl>, f_cut <fct>, f_pvalue <dbl>,
#> #   f_rsquared <dbl>, f_adj_rsquared <dbl>, f_intercept <dbl>, f_slope <dbl>,
#> #   f_fit <dbl>, f_ratio <dbl>, f_quality_flag <chr>, f_slope_corr <dbl>
flux_quality(slopes30, conc, fit_type = "expo")
#>  Total number of measurements: 6
#>  ok 	 6 	 100 %
#>  discard 	 0 	 0 %
#>  zero 	 0 	 0 %
#>  force_discard 	 0 	 0 %
#>  start_error 	 0 	 0 %
#>  no_data 	 0 	 0 %
#>  force_ok 	 0 	 0 %
#>  force_zero 	 0 	 0 %
#> # A tibble: 1,251 × 27
#>    datetime            temp_air temp_soil  conc   PAR turfID       type 
#>    <dttm>                 <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>        <chr>
#>  1 2022-07-28 23:43:35    NA         NA    447. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  2 2022-07-28 23:43:36     7.22      10.9  447.  1.68 156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  3 2022-07-28 23:43:37    NA         NA    448. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  4 2022-07-28 23:43:38    NA         NA    449. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  5 2022-07-28 23:43:39    NA         NA    449. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  6 2022-07-28 23:43:40    NA         NA    450. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  7 2022-07-28 23:43:41    NA         NA    451. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  8 2022-07-28 23:43:42    NA         NA    451. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#>  9 2022-07-28 23:43:43    NA         NA    453. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#> 10 2022-07-28 23:43:44    NA         NA    453. NA    156 AN2C 156 ER   
#> # ℹ 1,241 more rows
#> # ℹ 20 more variables: f_start <dttm>, f_end <dttm>, f_fluxid <dbl>,
#> #   f_flag_match <lgl>, f_time <dbl>, f_cut <chr>, f_Cz <dbl>, f_Cm <dbl>,
#> #   f_a <dbl>, f_b <dbl>, f_tz <dbl>, f_slope <dbl>, f_fit <dbl>,
#> #   f_fit_slope <dbl>, f_start_z <dttm>, f_ratio <dbl>, f_cor_coef <dbl>,
#> #   f_RMSE <dbl>, f_quality_flag <chr>, f_slope_corr <dbl>