plots the fluxes, fit and slope in facets with color code indicating quality flags This function takes time to run and is optional in the workflow, but it is still highly recommended to use it to visually check the measurements. Note that 'flux_plot' is specific to the 'fluxible' package and will work best with datasets produced following a fluxible workflow.
color_discard = "#D55E00",
color_cut = "#D55E00",
color_ok = "#009E73",
color_zero = "#CC79A7",
scale_x_datetime_args = list(date_breaks = "1 min", minor_breaks = "10 sec",
date_labels = "%e/%m \n %H:%M"),
f_ylim_upper = 800,
f_ylim_lower = 400,
f_plotname = "",
facet_wrap_args = list(ncol = 4, nrow = 3, scales = "free"),
y_text_position = 500,
print_plot = "FALSE",
output = "print_only",
ggsave_args = list()
- slopes_df
dataset containing slopes, with flags produced by flux_quality
- conc_col
column with gas concentration
- datetime_col
column with datetime of each data point
- color_discard
color for fits with a discard quality flag
- color_cut
color for the part of the flux that is cut
- color_ok
color for fits with an ok quality flag
- color_zero
color for fits with a zero quality flag
- scale_x_datetime_args
list of arguments for scale_x_datetime
- f_ylim_upper
y axis upper limit
- f_ylim_lower
y axis lower limit
- f_plotname
filename for the extracted pdf file; if empty, the name of
will be used- facet_wrap_args
list of arguments for facet_wrap_paginate
- y_text_position
position of the text box
- print_plot
logical, if TRUE it prints the plot as a ggplot object but will take time depending on the size of the dataset
- output
, the plots are saved as A4 landscape pdf pages;ggsave
, the plots can be saved with the ggsave function;print_only
(default) prints the plot without creating a file (independently from 'print_plot' being TRUE or FALSE)- ggsave_args
list of arguments for ggsave (in case
output = "ggsave"
plots of fluxes, with raw concentration data points, fit, slope,
and color code indicating quality flags and cuts. The plots are organized
in facets according to flux ID, and a text box display the quality flag and
diagnostics of each measurement.
The plots are returned as a ggplot object if print_plot = TRUE
if print_plot = FALSE
it will not return anything but will produce a file
according to the output
flux_plot(slopes0_flag, conc, datetime)
#> Plotting in progress
flux_plot(slopes30lin_flag, conc, datetime)
#> Plotting in progress
flux_plot(slopes30qua_flag, conc, datetime)
#> Part of the fit will not be displayed
#> because f_ylim_lower is too high.
#> Plotting in progress